Natural compounds in edible plants that modify the nervous and cardiovascular functions.

Edible plants contain essential metals, vitamins, carbohydrates and other nutrientes that are essential for growth of the human body and to provide sufficient energy for its biochemical and physiological performance. However, some edible plants contain phytocompounds that change the functioning of the central nervous system and vascular functions, even when ingested in quantities, insufficient to cause visible signs or symptoms in the short or medium term. The objective of this work was to investigate data related to compounds in edible plants that influence the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system. Open free databases were consulted searching on edible plants and its derivatives that present activity on nervous and cardiovascular functions. Methylxanthines, tryptamines, tropanes, phenylethylamines, ergot alkaloids and the compounds capsaycin, safrole, myristin, cathinone, dioscorine, glyrrhizin and thujone were considered in this review. Phytocompounds in edible plants can increase symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, irritability, depression or anxiety and/or cardiovascular disturbes in susceptible individuals. The detection of these phytocompounds or its metabolites in urine by HPLC or other high- efficiency chromatographic methods increase the efficiency of the diagnosis of health disorders in these susceptible individuals.
Psichoactive phytocompounds, Nervous system
OLIVEIRA, R. de S. et al. Natural compounds in edible plants that modify the nervous and cardiovascular functions. World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, v. 11, n. 2, p. 1797-1818, 2022. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 11 out. 2022.