Caracterização da estrutura espaço-temporal da assembleia de coleópteros saproxílicos de uma floresta estacional semidecidual submontana (Minas Gerais - Brasil).
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Nesta dissertação foi testado o efeito de habitats nos processos de colonização de madeira morta por coleópteros saproxílicos no Parque Estadual do Rio Doce durante estação chuvosa, de outubro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014. A hipótese central deste trabalho foi que os ecótones da floresta com lagos naturais são habitats similares ao dossel superior e distintos do sub-bosque e solo. Outra hipótese norteadora deste trabalho é que há facilitação de colonização por espécies iniciais, dentro da guilda de coleópteros saproxílicos. Foram expostos em quatro hábitats (Dossel, Ecótone, Sub-bosque e Solo) galhos recém cortados e de tamanho padronizado de Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell) Brenan (Fabaceae) as quais serviram com atrativos para oviposição destes insetos. Estes foram retirados e substituídos com intervalos entre 40, 80 dias e 120 dias. Em seguida foram mantidos estocados em caixas aguardando a eclosão dos adultos dos insetos que colonizaram a madeira. Os resultados demostraram que o tempo de exposição interfere significativamente na abundância e na riqueza de coleópteros saproxílicos: quanto maior o tempo de exposição do recurso maior número de espécies conseguirão colonizar. O Dossel florestal foi o habitat com maior número de espécies, em seguida o Ecótone, o Sub-bosque e, finalmente, o Solo. Diferentemente do tempo de exposição, o período de exposição do recurso durante a estação chuvosa não explicou variações na riqueza ou abundâncias médias dos coleópteros saproxílicos, sendo assim feixes que ficaram nos dois primeiros meses não diferiram dos que ficaram nos dois meses finais. Os feixes que ficaram no 1º e no 4º mês de exposição também não apresentaram diferença, corroborando assim que o que interfere é o tempo que o feixe ficou exposto, não a época, em discordância com a necessidade da participação de espécies engenheiras que facilitariam a colonização da madeira por espécies secundárias. Porém o período de exposição interferiu na composição das espécies nos indicando que cada espécie de coleópteros saproxílicos possui um comportamento dentro da estação chuvosa e que possivelmente algumas destas espécies sejam sim dependentes de processos de facilitação ou intolerantes à colonização prévia. Este trabalho é um dos primeiros estudos experimentais neste sistema ecológico em florestas tropicais trazendo assim uma fauna até então pouco conhecida e tornando este estudo inovador em ecologia. _____________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT: In this dissertation, the effect of habitats on wood colonization processes was tested in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce during a rainy season, from October of 2013 to February of 2014. The central hypothesis of this work is that the forest ecotones with natural lakes are similar habitats to the superior canopy and distinct from the understory and the ground. Another leading hypothesis of this work is the existence of colonization facilitation by engineer species inside the saproxylic beetles guild. Newly chopped branches of Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell) Brenan (Fabaceae) with a standardized size were exposed in four microhabitats (Canopy, Ecotone, Understory and Ground), which served as attractant to the oviposition of these insects. They were removed and replaced with intervals among 40, 80 and 120 days. Subsequently they were kept stocked in boxes waiting for the emergence of adult insects that colonized the wood. The results demonstrated that the time of exposition interfered significantly in the abundance and richness of saproxylic beetles, with a longer time of resource exposition allowing a higher number of species to colonize it. The forest Canopy was the habitat with the higher number of species, followed by the Ecotone, the Understory and finally the Ground. Differently from the time of exposition, the period of resource exposition during the rainy season did not explain variations in the richness or abundances means of saproxylic beetles, therefore sheaves that stayed in the two initial months did not differ from the ones that remained in the two final months. The sheaves that stayed in the 1º and 4 º month did not showed difference too, thus corroborating the fact that what interferes is the time of sheaf exposition, not the period, in disagreement with the participation necessity of engineer species that would facilitate the wood colonization by secondary species. However, the exposition period interfered in the species composition, indicating that each species of saproxylic beetle has a behavior within the rainy season and that possibly some of these species are dependent of facilitation processes or intolerant to previous colonization. This contribution is one of the first experimental study in this ecological system and in a Tropical forest, thus bringing a unknow fauna and making this study innovator in ecology.
ABSTRACT: In this dissertation, the effect of habitats on wood colonization processes was tested in the Parque Estadual do Rio Doce during a rainy season, from October of 2013 to February of 2014. The central hypothesis of this work is that the forest ecotones with natural lakes are similar habitats to the superior canopy and distinct from the understory and the ground. Another leading hypothesis of this work is the existence of colonization facilitation by engineer species inside the saproxylic beetles guild. Newly chopped branches of Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell) Brenan (Fabaceae) with a standardized size were exposed in four microhabitats (Canopy, Ecotone, Understory and Ground), which served as attractant to the oviposition of these insects. They were removed and replaced with intervals among 40, 80 and 120 days. Subsequently they were kept stocked in boxes waiting for the emergence of adult insects that colonized the wood. The results demonstrated that the time of exposition interfered significantly in the abundance and richness of saproxylic beetles, with a longer time of resource exposition allowing a higher number of species to colonize it. The forest Canopy was the habitat with the higher number of species, followed by the Ecotone, the Understory and finally the Ground. Differently from the time of exposition, the period of resource exposition during the rainy season did not explain variations in the richness or abundances means of saproxylic beetles, therefore sheaves that stayed in the two initial months did not differ from the ones that remained in the two final months. The sheaves that stayed in the 1º and 4 º month did not showed difference too, thus corroborating the fact that what interferes is the time of sheaf exposition, not the period, in disagreement with the participation necessity of engineer species that would facilitate the wood colonization by secondary species. However, the exposition period interfered in the species composition, indicating that each species of saproxylic beetle has a behavior within the rainy season and that possibly some of these species are dependent of facilitation processes or intolerant to previous colonization. This contribution is one of the first experimental study in this ecological system and in a Tropical forest, thus bringing a unknow fauna and making this study innovator in ecology.
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais. Departamento de Biodiversidade, Evolução e Meio Ambiente, Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.
Coleópteros, Mata Atlântica
MIGLIORE, Letizia Janaína. Caracterização da estrutura espaço-temporal da assembleia de coleópteros saproxílicos de uma floresta estacional semidecidual submontana (Minas Gerais - Brasil). 2015. 47f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia de Biomas Tropicais) - Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, 2015.