Effect of chord length on CHS-RHS T-joints with slender sections.

The chord length is an essential geometric property that must be defined in the analysis of isolated joints composed of hollow steel sections, as well as the boundary conditions of the test. The analysis of these parameters’ effect on the behavior of joints has been addressed by other studies, mostly with joints between circular hollow sec- tions with compact or semi-compact cross-sections. Recent research about tubular joints has addressed cases with slender sections, where the design of joints containing these sections is still in development. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of the chord length in the behavior of T-joints between circular hollow section braces and slender rectangular hollow section chords through experimental tests and a numerical study considering the application of axial compression at the braces. The joint behavior was examined through the load-strain and load-deformation curves and the von Mises stress distribution, which allowed the failure mode's determination and the joint resistance value. Chord face failure was observed in the prototypes. It was concluded that a minimum chord length of 0.6m would be the adequate value for the study of the T-joints containing the geometric properties used in this study, which would be equivalent to a chord length five times higher than the width of the cross- section (5b0).
Tubular joints, Steel structures
PEREIRA, D. J. R. et al. Effect of chord length on CHS-RHS T-joints with slender sections. REM - International Engineering Journal, Ouro Preto, v. 74, p. 433-442, out./dez. 2021. Disponível em: <https://www.scielo.br/j/remi/a/Skq3TfsVHbBW8PmjChT6bxF/>. Acesso em: 29 abr. 2022.