A model for fracture in fibrous materials.

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A fiber bundle model in (1 + 1)-dimensions for the breaking of fibrous composite matrix is introduced. The model consists of N parallel fibers fixed in two plates. When one of the plates is pulled in the direction parallel to the fibers, these can be broken with a probability that depends on their elastic energy. The mechanism of rupture is simulated by the breaking of neighbouring fibers that can generate random crack spreading up through the system. Due to the simplicity of the model we have virtually no computational limitation. The model is sensitive to external conditions as temperature and traction time-rate. The energy vs. temperature behaviour, the diagrams of stress vs. strain and the histograms of the frequency vs. size of cracks are obtained.
BERNARDES, A. T.; MOREIRA, J. G. M. A. A model for fracture in fibrous. Physical Review B, v. 49, n.21, p.1035-15039, 1994. Disponível em: <http://prb.aps.org/pdf/PRB/v49/i21/p15035_1>. Acesso em: 15 jun. 2012.